Hello and welcome to my website.
This first phase of the Blitzstar Guitar Instructional Series includes a series of blog posts on music theory as it relates to guitar playing.
The goal of the blog is to provide a frame of reference that will allow students to see the big picture of music so that they can more easily understand where the individual pieces fit.
Most guitar instructors don’t provide this frame of reference for their students and self-taught students have the difficult task of trying to piece it together on their own.
Seeing the big picture of music facilitates progress. Whether the student is self-taught or studying with an instructor, having this frame of reference will allow them to more easily understand the material being presented — especially more advanced concepts — and how to apply it to their own playing.
The blog is not limited to any particular genre of music or any specific style of playing. Anyone who wants to understand music theory as it relates to guitar playing can benefit from it. The principles covered are universal and can be applied to any genre of music and any style of playing.
In my blog I present and explain important music concepts and provide many of the tools needed (chords, scales, arpeggios…) to apply them.
The blog is progressive. It lays a foundation of basic music principles and logically builds and expands upon them. The posts are intended to be read in order. The information needed to understand each post is contained in the previous posts.
The first post is an introduction to the series and it contains the basic music information necessary to understand the posts.
The blog is just the first phase of the Blitzstar Guitar Instructional Series and still a work in progress. The series will be expanded to include additional teaching tools so please check back for updates.
For my profile, teaching method and information about private guitar lessons in New Jersey, please visit https://njguitarteacher.com.
Frank Migliaccio