The Diminished Scale

The diminished scale is an eight-note, symmetrical scale with an interval pattern that alternates between whole steps and half steps.

There are two forms of the scale:

  • The true diminished scale — also called the whole/half diminished scale — starts with a whole step, and has an interval pattern of W H W H W H W H.
  • The dominant diminished scale — also called the half/whole diminished scale — starts with a half step, and has an interval pattern of H W H W H W H W.

This post will analyze the true diminished scale. It will also provide a common fingering for the scale, along with instruction on how to play it on a guitar with any root note.

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The Dominant Diminished Scale

The dominant diminished scale is an eight-note, symmetrical scale with an interval pattern that alternates between half steps and whole steps.

The scale starts with a half step and has an interval pattern of H W H W H W H W.

This post will analyze the dominant diminished scale. It will also provide a common fingering for the scale, along with instruction on how to play it on a guitar with any root note.

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The Whole Tone Scale

The whole tone scale is a six-note, symmetrical scale constructed entirely with whole steps.

The scale’s interval structure is W W W W W W.

This post will analyze the whole tone scale. It will also provide a common fingering for the scale, along with instruction on how to play it on a guitar with any root note.

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Soloing Over Altered Dominant Chords

There are several scales that work well for soloing over altered dominant chords, including:

  • The Phrygian dominant scale.
  • The Lydian dominant scale.
  • The whole tone scale.
  • The dominant diminished scale.
  • The altered scale.

These scales work well over various altered dominant chords because the notes contained in the chords can also be found in the scales.

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