When a chord has its root note in the bass (as its lowest note) it is in root position. When a chord is voiced with any note other than its root note in the bass, it is called an inversion.
This post will define the two possible inversions for major, minor, diminished and augmented triads, and provide examples for each type of chord.
It will also provide common fingerings for the inverted chords, along with instruction on how to play them on a guitar with any root note.
Chord Voicings
The arrangement of notes within a chord is called a voicing, as each note in a chord is referred to as a voice.
The notes in a chord don’t have to be played in any particular order; they can be voiced in multiple ways, each voicing having its own unique sound.
Regardless of the voicing of a chord, the chord quality (major, minor, diminished and augmented) remains the same.
Root Position and Inverted Triads: Theory
Root Position Triads
When a chord has its root note in the bass (as its lowest note) it is in root position.
The chords in fig.1 and fig.2 are in root position. Each chord has its root note in the bass.


First Inversion Triads and Slash Notation
When a chord is voiced with its third scale degree in the bass, the chord is in first inversion.
The chords in fig.3 and fig.4 are in first inversion. Each chord has its third scale degree in the bass.
For inverted chords, slash notation is used to indicate the inversion. The chord is written to the left of the slash and the chord’s lowest voiced note is written to the right of it.


Second Inversion Triads
When a chord is voiced with its fifth scale degree in the bass, it is in second inversion.
The triads in fig.5 and fig.6 are in second inversion. Each chord has its fifth scale degree in the bass.


Root Position and Inverted Triads: On a Guitar
The triad examples below are all played on the top three strings of a guitar.
The root position triads are the same as those presented in my post entitled Triads and Chord Formulas. The inverted triads are inversions of those chords.
Root Position Triads
Major Triads
Fig.7 shows a common fingering for a major triad in root position.

This fingering will allow you to play a major triad — in root position — with any root note:
- To play a C chord, place your third finger on the C on the third string, fifth fret (fig.8a).
- To play a D chord, place your third finger on the D on the third string, seventh fret (fig.8b).

Minor Triads
Fig. 9 shows a common fingering for a minor triad in root position.

This fingering will allow you to play a minor triad — in root position — with any root note:
- To play a Cm, place your third finger on the C on the third string, fifth fret (fig.10a).
- To play a Dm, place your third finger on the D on the third string, seventh fret (fig.10b).

Diminished Triads
Fig.11 shows a common fingering for a diminished triad in root position.

This fingering will allow you to play a diminished triad — in root position — with any root note:
- To play a C°, place your fourth finger on the C on the third string, fifth fret (fig.12a).
- To play a D°, place your fourth finger on the D on the third string, seventh fret (fig.12b).

Augmented Triads
Fig.13 shows a common fingering for an augmented triad in root position.

This fingering will allow you to play an augmented triad — in root position — with any root note:
- To play a C+, place your second finger on the C on the third string, fifth fret (fig.14a).
- To play a D+, place your second finger on the D on the third string, seventh fret (fig.14b).

First Inversion Triads
Major Triads
Fig.15 shows a common fingering for a major triad in first inversion.

This fingering will allow you to play a major triad — in first inversion — with any root note:
- To play a C/E, place your first finger on the C on the first string, eighth fret (fig.16a).
- To play a D/F#, place your first finger on the D on the first string, 10th fret (fig.16b).

Minor Triads
Fig.17 shows a common fingering for a minor triad in first inversion.

This fingering will allow you to play a minor triad — in first inversion — with any root note:
- To play a Cm/Eb, place your first finger on the C on the first string, eighth fret (fig.18a).
- To play a Dm/F, place your first finger on the D on the first string,10th fret (fig.18b).

Diminished Triads
Fig.19 shows a common fingering for a diminished triad in first inversion.

This fingering will allow you to play a diminished triad — in first inversion — with any root note:
- To play a C°/Eb, place your third finger on the C on the first string, eighth fret (fig.20a).
- To play a D°/Ab, place your third finger on the D on the first string, 10th fret (fig.20b).

Augmented Triads
Fig.21 shows a common fingering for an augmented triad in first inversion.

This fingering will allow you to play an augmented triad — in first inversion — with any root note:
- To play a C+/E, place your first finger on the C on the first string, eighth fret (fig.22a).
- To play a D+/F#, place your first finger on the D on the first string, 10th fret (fig.22b).

Second Inversion Triads
Major Triads
Fig.23 shows a common fingering for a major triad in second inversion.

This fingering will allow you to play a major triad — in second inversion — with any root note:
- To play a C/G, place your third finger on the C on the second string, 13th fret (fig.24a).
- To play a D/A, place your third finger on the D on the second string, third fret (fig.24b).

Minor Triads
Fig.25 shows a common fingering for a minor triad in second inversion.

This fingering will allow you to play a minor triad — in second inversion — with any root note:
- To play a Cm/G, place your third finger on the C on the second string, 13th fret (fig.26a).
- To play a Dm/A, place your third finger on the D on the second string, third fret (fig.26b).

Diminished Triads
Fig.27 shows a common fingering for a diminished triad in second inversion.

This fingering will allow you to play a diminished triad — in second inversion — with any root note:
- To play a C°/Gb, place your third finger on the C on the second string, 13th fret (fig.28a).
- To play a D°/Ab, place your third finger on the D on the second string, third fret (fig.28b).

Augmented Triads
Fig. 29 shows a common fingering for an augmented triad in second inversion.

This fingering will allow you to play an augmented triad — in second inversion — with any root note:
- To play a C+/G#, place your third finger on the C on the second string, 13th fret (fig.30a).
- To play a D+/A#, place your third finger on the D on the second string, third fret (fig.30b).

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